Leo following news are five cases of whiskey a century in Antarctica and I can not help but remember the story of legendary capitán.Una of the noblest deeds of the past century that knowledge of the voice of Franco Battiato .
In remembrance of this adventurous and brave that followed this post is dedicated.

In 1914 was released this ad which featured more than 5,000 people who were selected with a very severe approach to 55.Este ad said:
Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, severe cold, long months in complete darkness, constant danger, and little chance back to life. Honor and recognition in case of success.
For that year the Shackleton name was already synonymous with adventure,
Ernest Shackleton was born on February 15, 1874, an Irish family in Kilkee House, near Athy, County Kildare in Ireland . He died on January 5, 1922 on the island of South Georgia.
Ernest was the eldest of ten children. He studied at Dulwich College from 1887 to 1890. At 17 he joined the merchant navy where he made numerous trips aboard an English three-masted sailboat. With 20 years rose to the rank of lieutenant and 24 was named captain. In 1901 he embarked for the first time Robert Falcon Scott to the Antarctic. In November 1902, reaching 82 ° 16 'South, the southernmost point reached by man to date. Ill with scurvy, must give up their dreams and return to England.
Encouraged by the experience on the trip with Scott, is organizing his own expedition, and the August 7, 1907 part back to Antarctica where he arrived in early 1908. After many difficulties, the January 9, 1909 record reached latitude 88 ° 23 'South, but are forced to leave only 180 km to the South Pole. After traveling 3,000 km in the Antarctic, returning back to England.
The new issue raised Shackleton has once conqistado Amundsen's South Pole traverse the continent on foot, passing over the pole, which would mean a march of 3300 km.Con this goal amount
Endurance Expedition Shackleton's ship, the Endurance, broke England on August 8, 1914. After passing through Buenos Aires came to his last stop before sailing to Antarctica, South Georgia Island, whose whaling station would be the last refuge where they could stock up and put the ship. The problems began in January 1915, when the Endurance became trapped in ice in winter. Given that the boat could not move, Shackleton ordered Hivern on ice, waiting that the spring thaw and allow further progress ... However, last month the situation worsened, and instead of getting the old release, was even more caught in moving ice caps. In October 1915, the unthinkable happens: a giant block of ice in movement causes a crack in the hull and open a waterway. Shackleton gives the order to abandon ship, lifeboats were removed and 22 men prepare for survival.
For 2 months left on a block of ice drift, waiting for the current approach them to some island. Given that this was not the case, set sail in the lifeboats and after travel 7 days come to the inhospitable Elephant Island, battered by incessant rains and winds, beyond sea route with few sources of food.
After several months of stay, Shackleton realizes that should form a small group of men on board one of the boats undertake one of the greatest follies of history: Browse 1300 km open sea in a boat of 7 meters amid huge waves and strong winds, to the island of South Georgia. In April 1916, launched to sea with four other men.
After 14 days of winds over 70 km / h and waves of 15 feet, gets high on the island of South Georgia, but the opposite coast where the whaling station was from which they started a year and a half earlier. To give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow this island, only I will say that no one had dared to enter it more than 1 km. Well, Shackleton, knowing that the salvation of men who had left on Elephant Island was a struggle against the clock, rushed like mad to cross the island, walking, climbing, tumbling and crawling for 36 hours. This feat would be repeated until 1955.
Shackleton in his diary describing the hallucinatory experience of being accompanied by a stranger during the march, which would lead to a famous literary reference in the poem The Waste Land TS Eliot :
Who is the third who walks always beside you?
When I count, only two of us, you and I together
but when I look ahead of me on the white road
there is always another who walks by your side sliding
wrapped in a brown cloak, hooded
not know if a man or
woman - but who is this that goes to your side?
Finally managed to reach the whaling station. However, his attempts to return to Elephant Island to rescue his men were not so simple. After two failed attempts, had to resort to the Chilean government finally approved the dispatch of a ship merchant. In August of 1916 managed to reach the coast of Elephant Island, where, against all odds, was finally able to rescue the 22 crew members. Not one died.
praised as a hero in his country, his health was badly affected by so many trips but could not keep living on land and pointed to another expedition boat which took him to several heart the last of which ended with his life.For wish of his widow, his body was buried, 47 years old at Grytviken, the main British settlement in South Georgia Island in the land that such suffering was over, but that also brought him such good memories

This post is taken in much of the article Men wanted for hazardous journey in KNOL
Here you can see some photos of the expedition
also recommend the documentary "trapped in the ice " very emotional and on this spectacular adventure.
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