Sunday, May 24, 2009

Warm Up Songs For Basketball

This morning

This passage in time, which is nothing more than stealth today that it always succeeds course, I take not to be. I apply amnesia and drink it the most agonizing smile.

This time it sinks into the pores and makes the finest routes on my map, only requires the horizon, simply because it is without letting him see and will becoming at will while I undress .

That stubborn that even in the shadow has nest, looking only answer. I inspect every inch of him in an investigation that leaves me time, I counted only details already evident in my body.

And while I'm wandering in my time, it will bury me in the match, earning the game, leaving me recall that this is today.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

What Is Andy Sixx Number

What would you do in a pre-emptive U.S.

not no secret that the economic situation is encrudeciendo.EEUU has begun issuing tickets at close range (with the danger that this entails) while Japan and China are threatening to not support this increase in "extra" liquidity (the main creditors of the U.S. government are not willing to continue funding the enormous amount of debt).

Furthermore criticizes U.S. "epidemic level" piracy reaching Spain comparing us to China or Russia (where the copies are not themselves illegal and counterfeit market is not pursued).

This economic situation will only result in an output to the U.S. (as ever to maintain its hegemony in the world and to continue giving to the "little machine of money"): create a war against any country:
North Korea "so appeasing Japan and make things clear to China?
Pakistan or Iran "? Some African country? Venezuela?. Who knows.

But this time our government does not openly criticize this war as it did from the opposition that if you make an act of allegiance to U.S.: ban P2P programs.

If this is a future situation that may not llegue.Tambien more than one say that is about a possible war to the tightening of anti downloads but what is certain: U.S.
should keep their weight in the world to continue to issue dollars with the sole endorsement of its hegemony (this can only be achieved with a show of force), Spain will support the U.S. in what you ask and what he is crying from Biden entered Obama's hand?.

And what about the minister, the SGAE and demás.Sería ironic to see the artist's "No to war" (those who supported the SGAE using this theme) receive and even hypothetical future war

Friday, May 15, 2009

Videso De Samantha Anderson

walked for those who do not want the thing, thinking
coins and a few tablespoons more
no further claim to be like clouds
dilated pupils of the dreamers

And yet the time has embargoed
verses, dreams, the same tobacco
who know middle ground, now they say "out bussines"
not understand our language ephemeral. Wilted

desire to love the guitar solo darkens our nerve.
poetry becomes the fast green
enlouqecemos with atypical variety discovered ...

... After three days in the hospital of that ancestral
with a little less of coins at the beginning
's Alice tales has grown and not amused Tea,
walk as he does not like things. However

poetry are malnourished
my hands and me. With the embargo
purple dress and snuff
violently off in a shoe outside. Camilo Andres

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Plant Cell With Jello And Candy

the saddest song

Music Playlist Create a Ringtones
MySpace Playlist at

had started a list to vote, but something went wrong so I decided to put them all for the listen.
I know there are still many but these are truly special, I hope not amargaros day with this list of songs so nostalgic and sad.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What Does Ovulation Discharge Look Like


If Meninas is that everything that can be represented but is absent
intimate experience of the gaze is a lobotomy

Surrealism gave us good weapons, one duplication of nowhere, the unconscious vivo

Modern art slashed the painting itself, the fabric can be commodified now
bloody and poetry, and invertebrate structure present in only one verse, is the ultimate capitalist weapon

met the poet cursed that way and intoxicated crowds
But poetry does not even amount to "sign" of the XXI century
If after all this the structure absence, even as the tragic and the Apollonian, but the finiteness

(all structures deployed, all prisons and chains and no keys demetallised)
... it's impossible to the eye seeing itself where we found the ghost in the machine
Andrés Cuervo

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Custom Brine Lacrosse Pinnies

From Almería: Better a geek than the Fnac gafapasta

This past week I spent in Almeria away from work because of Internet and e electrónico.Menos bad that a friend left me a book "breasts out" Pepe Colubi . This friend I said that when he saw the book he remembered me. (I've become in a recognizable geek books)
For if the book is worthy of me or rather of this página.Un entertaining book on the television series of our lives (thanks to the author of the book reviews have been introduced to the life and Parker Buscate Lewis, a whole detail) although not all if the most important.
I found both the book on my page that I have been obliged to make this post clearly recommended that the book is better written than some post of mine that I recognize are authentic straw mentales.Pero've always thought that the straw is also good mental (not to be left for late night silly discussions in bars).
So read it and enjoy it, the title is at Aphrodite A: According to the author never said that the character and can lead strangely reason I do not remember that phrase of Aphrodite A. It is something like "do not feel my legs" Rambo (see contention and argument Trivial vietnam I ). We have a collective memory
television, do you transmit to our children? Know who was Colombo or Tony Soprano, even without seeing the show?.

"Isabel Coixet know that your glasses are pega.Sabias that ... Isabel Coixet his glasses are stuck"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Live View / – Axis

tia tio pepe vs seed. The eternal return


found in youtube this classic but in English, so I leave the letter in English to the low recordeis.Atención the song that gives the tone of musical duel in Deliverance. (funny analogy)

The bucket has a hole, aunt pepa ...
Well fix it, Uncle Joe ...
And how to fix it, aunt pepa ...
With a stick, Uncle Joe ...
The stick is very long, aunt pepa ...
Then cut it, Uncle Joe ...
And what the short, tia pepa ...
With the hatchet, Uncle Joe ...
The ax will not cut, aunt pepa ... Well
sharpen, Tio Pepe
And how the sharpening, aunt pepa ... The stone
uncle pepe ...
The stone is dry, aunt pepa ... Then dab
uncle pepe ...
And what the mojo, aunt pepa ...
With water, Tio Pepe ...
And what I bring, aunt pepa ...
With the cube, uncle pepe ...
The bucket has a hole, aunt pepa ...