Thursday, November 19, 2009

Football Eye Shield Cleaner


From the dawn of time we come, have been appearing silently through the centuries we have lived in secret.
No one has ever known we were among you ...... so far.

had already talked a bit about this figure that so fashionable it has become today but coming centuries between us.
course now with the movie as coming to be more fashionable but before there is concerning, if not watch the movie (of worship) "More pain than glory" where the protagonist is not resigned to be a Pagafantas and recognizes realidad.Claro that this was a movie, all Pagafantas it is to death and we all have within a no.Tambien Pagafantas remember like it or notice that Sprite:

As you can see the figure comes from very old Pagafantas tracing their heyday in the 80 or 90 with those movies where the typical teenager and got the final Pagafantas the above because of their personality (as I said this kind of cinema is located in fantasy).
The list of movies is great as a reference we Pagafantas typical actor John Cusack and Matthew Broderick who then seek more light profile of the character.
I leave the official anthem of the Friend Zone:

Finally know which sessions are performing self-help and the phenomenon of Pagafantas although for many there is no cure.

Association of Friends of the Friend Zone

BESTIARIO Pagafantas:


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