wooden horses travel in
filled with sawdust in their heads
sand mixed with
sentences with no verb or subject or meaning
and inequalities
obligations are only a phone call and a couple of beers
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turned vigilante and police
A reminder taped to the wall
The recall wanting to be pasted into oblivion
forgottenThree poets poetry
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------------- Is there a natural order of things? Excuse me Mr. Antunes
but the dead,
secrete in our heads stool
friends to spit at each other
and the only gain some are mediocre writers
invading large bookstores with shit and you
only found in libraries ...
- ----------- ------------------- ----------------
The terraces are not as favorable as
amazed no songs are becoming
holes and bribery are becoming smaller
then someone tell me How the hell
intend to write?
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nose I was bleeding lately
while I shower,
and the trickle of blood is mixed with water,
I asked: What is it?
I get is literally poetry
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