What is the frequency, Kenneth? DATA SONG:
REM - What's The Frequency, Kenneth? TWO FILMS:
La Jetée (28-minute short film that made Chris Marker in 1962) and 12 Apes (1995, directed by Terry Gilliam) FACTS:
a journalist's aggression and the killing of an NBC technician. CHRONOLOGY: 1962 Chris Marker directed the short "La Jetée"
1986 The journalist Ran Dathe is assaulted and beaten by an unknown
1994 William Tager kills a technician from the NBC
REM publishes his song What's The Frequency , Kenneth?
1995 Terry Gilliam directed the movie "12 Monkeys"
And with all this going to make a post, where the beginning .....
the night of October 4, 1986, Dan Rather, the star reporter of CBS News, was attacked on Park Avenue, New York by a guy who hit him in the head and kept repeating, "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" (What's the frequency, Kenneth?). The truth is that no one could explain the fact, and rumors ran far and wide. Rather himself could not shed any light on the fact: "I was with stupid face. Who could understand that? Not even know what I know. I wish I knew who did it and why, but I have no idea."
Since then, "What 's the frequency?" And called "Kenneth" misinformed or misled someone became a buzzword. And it probably is the fact that REM's buy something more than by the very story itself. Nevertheless, Stipe (REM singer said of that fact, "has remained the principal unresolved surrealist act of the twentieth century. It is a confusing mixture of random panic, media hype and just plain bizarre."
Years then in August 1994, one William Tager was arrested for killing a shot at NBC technician. In 1997 when he was interviewed by his psychiatrist Park Dietz, confessed that he had been he who had attacked Dan Rather., following evidence of the psychiatrist. Dan Rather identified the man from photographs provided by the New York Daily News. "I have no doubt it was that person" "Said Rather. According
Tager, came from the future, specifically the year 2265. In this parallel universe the whole earth was ruled by a single government. Vice President Kenneth Burrows offered to Tager freedom if he agreed to an experiment in which they were going to test the first time travel. He also said he would implant a chip in the brain which, if Tager decided to stay longer than necessary, would send hostile messages to come back to their time. Tager
appeared in New York in September 1986 and all went well until a minor offense put him in a cell for a month. Then the right time to return his world was over and began to get messages constantly going crazy. Tager thought that if he found the frequency that they used to send signals, could stop them.
So the day comes that the destinies of our two protagonists intersect. Tager is with Dan Rather, who reportedly is equal to the future vice president Kenneth Burrows, and he happens to threaten to tell you the frequency. After the incident, Tager lose any opportunity to return to his time and Bewildered from start to think that maybe the messages were sent through the television, and it looks like something that had to do with the murder of NBC technician.
As we see this story is much like the film "12 Monkeys", but actually 12 monkeys is based on the film "La Jetée" (remember that is, 1962) therefore has little originality the story of William
Tager . But they're still so many strange coincidences. OTHER DATA
"In 1987, the group released a Game Theory album Lolita Nation. The first issue of that album was titled "Kenneth, What 's the Frequency?". Do you know who was the producer of that album? Well, Mitch Easter, REM producer also
-In 1993 David Bowie was inspired by the movie " The Jate "for the video clip the song Jump, They Say (1993), directed by Mark Romanek.